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Worship and Music Resources on Peace


Worship & Song
3012, "When Words Alone Cannot Express"
3018, "Creation Sings"
3043,"You, Lord, Are Both Lamb and Shepherd"
"Chinese Lantern Carol"
3054, "Welcome to Our World" 3067
3077, "Blessed Is He Who Comes in God’s Name"
3082, "Who Is He Who Comes in Triumph"
3114, "Come to the Water"
3123, "Here Is Peace"
3126, "Everything that Has Voice"
3127, "I Have a Dream"
3129, "Touch the Earth Lightly"
3152, "Welcome"
3159, "Let Our Earth Be Peaceful"

The Faith We Sing
2048, "God Weeps" (the tune name is HIROSHIMA)
2219, "Goodness Is Stronger than Evil"
2134, "Forgive Us Lord/Perdon Senor"
2232, "Come Now, O Prince of Peace" ("O-so-so")
2171, "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace"
2185, "For One Great Peace"
2183, "Unsettled World"
2170, "God Made from One Blood"

United Methodist Hymnal
719, "My Lord, What a Morning"
433, "All who love and serve your city"
426, "Behold a broken world"
188, "Christ is the world's light"
450, "Creator of the earth and skies"
327, "Crown him with many crowns"
376, "Dona nobis pacem"
428, "For the healing of the nations"
567, "Heralds of Christ"
178, "Hope of the world"
218, "It came upon the midnight clear"
580, "Lead on, O King eternal"
440, "Let there be light"
431, "Let there be peace on earth"
159, "Lift high the cross"
556, "Litany for Christian Unity"
211, "O come, O come, Emmanuel"
730, "O day of God, draw nigh"
729, "O day of peace that dimly shines"
435, "O God of every nation"
449, "Our earth we now lament to see"
437, "This is my song"
375, "There Is a Balm in Gilead"
533, "We shall overcome"
439," We utter our cry"
442, "Weary of all trumpeting"


Worship & Song
2, "Gracious God, your vision of peace"
12, "Great God of waves and flames"
33, "This is the Good News"
77, "In defiance of corruption and falsehood"
87, "Almighty God, in raising Jesus"
95, "Eternal God, we are grateful"
129, "Blessed One, we discover such a contrast"
139, "Lord of Peace and Hope"
156, "Almighty God, you gave us your commandments"
165, "Go out into the world in peace"
172, "Holy Trinity, outgoing, sending"
190, "Make my life a libation"
190, "Haz de mi vida un sacrificio"
193, "Living God, Holy Trinity"

Book of Worship
521, "A Vision of Hope"
526-527, "For the World and Its Peoples"
433, "Litany for United Methodist Student Day"
560-561, "Dismissal and Blessing"

2004 Book of Discipline
¶166, pp. 123-124 on "War and Peace"

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